Maternity Session

Sometimes as a photographer you have times where you deal with mother nature. I recently did a beach maternity photoshoot,and it was not what I expected!

I start my morning off by sending a good morning text to the client - mentioning how I am super excited I was.

I gather my gear, hop into my crosstrek and head to Newport. The drive was mellow and the sun was just beginning to wake up. As I neared Newport, I began to get nervous as I saw dark clouds. I was praying for it NOT to rain. I was mad at myself for not checking the weather the day before and mad at myself for agreeing to do a sunrise shoot. 

I sit in my car staring at the dark clouds looming over the pier uttering some curse words. I was so convinced it was going to rain. I shoot a text over to the client to let them know that it looks like it may rain, I completely understand if they want to reschedule. 

I was honest, I told her that the photos wouldn’t come out how she envisioned but I can work with it. In an instant I envisioned an epic gloomy photoshoot. I typed out my thoughts and to my surprise, she was on board. 

Not to long after, I felt that this was going to be epic.

The first thing they asked me after the shoot was how long have I been together with my boyfriend. I replied with 6 years. Sal smiled and asks the question "How long do you think we've been together?" I thought for a moment looking at the both of them while we were trekking through the sand. I said, "...somewhere between 5 and 8 years?" Rose and Sal both chuckle lightheartedly. Sal replies, "Try 11 years!"

That wasn't what had me had me gushing over these two. What really was special about them was their chemistry. Sal turns to Rose, deeply looking into her eyes super romantically. I can feel the love.

They both speak, "...and it still feels like the first time I met him/her"